Processing and integrating sensory information - sensory integration - is a basis for learning, behavior and emotions and thus for meaningful action and coping with everyday life.
For over 20 years, SI-SeminarInstitut has been dedicated to imparting this knowledge to therapists, educators, other professionals, and parents - using state-of-the-art methodology that combines online and onsite learning, and the most up-to-date scientific knowledge.
Our international pricing is based on the median income in the country of residence of the participant at the time of the course. For reference visit the WorldBank
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Here you see our most popular Sensory Integration courses in English.
Start with our signature SI101 Introduction to Sensory Integration webinar!
This is your first step to your ASI certification, or just to learn more about the topic by adding a workshop.
If you are an occupational, physical, or speech therapist, we recommend that you continue with an ASI certification program
that is accredited by the International Council of Ayres Sensory Integration (ICEASI).
Please notice that the prerequisites for our workshops of the series "Best Practice OT" are
- - degree as occupational therapist (according to WFOT)
- - SI101 Introduction to Sensory Integration